Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Activacion Manual Gta 4

something new! (And cool as a cucumber) black pen

other practical work for the course Horacio comic Laia

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Update Bahrain Channel Frequency Nilesat

As you know, last Saturday was played at the premises of the Center for Sports Modernization that the Madrid Federation of Judo and DA has in Villaviciosa de Odon, Phase XX preview Peralta Trophy team for the categories Benjamin Youngsters, Kids and Cadet.

were many students Lorkan Judo Club competed in this long day of Judo (5 teams more masculine Benjamin, 2 teams from the Men's category and 1 team Alevín more Alevín Female) and they all made an excellent competition.

The team
LORKAN II Benjamin more masculine, Eduardo López Ontiveros , Pablo Gabriel Rivas and Roberto Menéndez García were representatives of the School of Judo AMPA CEIP "Salvador Dali".

Edi, Paul and Robert, along with Aitor and Alex, students of the School of Judo AMPA CEIP "Dulce Chacón, formed a very solid and balanced team in which each contributed the necessary points to go win the dramatically their group qualifying matches.

Eddie, Alex, Paul, and Robert
team LORKAN II teams won Okinawa, Valvemoro , Zola B and only relented in the final against the team LORKAN I also made Lorkan Club mates, thus proclaiming the runners-Qualifying attended by around 50 teams each more masculine Benjamin.



our judokas Although they knew to little silver, this magnificent result opens the door to play next December 11 Final Phase of this traditional and prestigious tournament.

Benjamin Male Podium Category

Podium Girls Category Alevín
From here we also want to congratulate the Judo Club's judoka Lorkan for the brilliant competition that made each and every one of them and especially the winning team I LORKAN its gold medal, the girls Alevín team runners-proclaimed and therefore also qualify for the Final to be played in December.


For results and pictures of the regional federation of Judo click here.
To view and download our photos click here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Build A Wakeboard Ramp

Qualifying Peralta Trophy Team in Training

The next Saturday, November 13, will be held at the Center for Modernization that the Madrid Federation of Judo and DA is in Villaviciosa de Odon (C / León, 59), pre Peralta Trophy for categories Benjamin, juvenile, infant, and Cadet.

In this competition for teams will participate, Eduardo López Ontiveros, Pablo Gabriel Rivas and Roberto García Menéndez, as representatives of the School of Judo AMPA CEIP "Salvador Dalí." They all form part of one of five teams that Judo Club Lorkan youngest category presented in this prestigious tournament.

The weighing of the participants held the same day of the competition from 9:00 to 9:30 am. Remember that it is essential to take your judogi Federal License and white.

To see how you can get to the CTD of the regional federation judo and DA click here.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Does A Death Rattle Sound Like


Last Friday, October 22, was held in the gymnasium of the school "Loranca" the first of five scheduled training until the end of the year, for students in the categories Benjamin (born in the years 2002 and 2,001) and fingerlings (born in the year 2,000 and 1,999).

this training, led by teacher David Amores and Fernando Segovia, attended by about 50 students from schools CEIP Judo "La Cañada" CEIP "Dulce Chacón" and of course the CEIP "Salvador Dalí."

As you can see, Paul, Eddie, Robert and Antonio were judokas from our school who represented us in this training.

The objectives of this training are to promote friendship and interaction between children from different schools in which the works Lorkan Judo Club and on the other hand, creating equipment categories and fry Benjamins to participate in the Team Championship to be held on Saturday November 13 at the Center for Modernization that the Madrid Federation of Judo and DA has opened recently in Villaviciosa de Odon.

I remind you that the following training programs are going to do next Friday, November 5, from 17:00 to 18:00 and from there I encourage you to participate in this and in the following workouts.