Is this a repeat of the April fools day (see Case MBA-080)?
Not really. Can you see and read for yourself on the following links:
http : / / 4.bp.blogspot.com/_nXqfuBlxAQ0/SjAmhkxz80I/AAAAAAAAAKw/nvkGrZSPA6Y/s1600-h/Picture +4. png
http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=92112&page = 20
How is it done? This would be a procedure (until now) unofficial, not intended for users and without any support from Autodesk. A debug procedure, designed to "Lab" but not for everyday use and actual implementation. Apparently not violate any part of the licensing agreement because it is a procedure designed by the developers so it's no "crack" or "hack" or other like animal, that, however, not clear to us. What is interesting is that they can conclude a few things:
the assertion is false there is no turning back with respect to the UI.
would not be a valid argument that the program has been completely rewritten and that the recovery of the old UI would be a huge effort to Autodesk. Classic UI is already there and would be used in factory for testing procedures. Revit 2010
performs 30% faster using the classic UI, and consumes less memory.
- The trick is as follows:
Create the text file:
C: \\ Program Files \\ Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 \\ Program \\ Debug.ini
and in this file, write:
[DebugMode] Use2009UI = 1
Restarting Revit, it will be in Debug mode with all the functionality of ribbon and new interface disabled. Keyboard shortcuts are copied from the 2009 version and can coexist with those of 2010 if wanting to go to the new interface. At the forum, by all sides is noticed that Autodesk will not support any subscription users are using the Debug mode, which is not intended for public access and that has become known unofficially.
There is an issue deeply uncomfortable about this: is using the program in a way that the designer does not want to accept as valid ... and yet there it is. Be seen now whether the classic UI, embedded in the code is as robust and complete as the new, but the AUGI forum users are reporting that there virtually all the new features. Interestingly, if anything, to see how the disenchantment of users very critical of the new UI, it immediately becomes happy to be reunited with the functionality of Revit if he had become a competitive advantage in practice. Autodesk may grant us the 2011 version, or a ribbon UI with enhanced Verdera, higher and faster (and it might become (very believable)), or a choice of UI, a capacity that it has included in its other applications such as Inventor and AutoCAD.
UPDATE: The statement that the claim would be false that there is no return with respect to the UI, is based on the input of the Autodesk Knowledge Base ID: TS1106335 indicating clearly a few
"There is no way
your user interface to switch back to the user interface in pre-2010 Used Revit products"
. However, very recent reissue of the same document (as it has been leaked online this procedure), can be read today
here and says: "There is not Supported way to switch back to the previous user interface."
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