Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Is A Character Skirt

What is the cost of obtaining an environmental permit in Dom.Rep? ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT AS ILLEGAL

System Regulation of environmental permits and licenses, the obligation of the promoter of a project or activity submitted to cover all costs of obtaining a license or permit environment. But what does this mean? What is being paid? On the one hand, the cost of the study, environmental report or statement is borne by the requesting environmental permit or license, (consider a range of U.S. $ 15mil to 200mil depending on the size of the project ...), on the other, must pay administrative costs ($ 300 approx.) also paid publications, communications and public hearings required (sumémosle an average of U.S. $ 3mil of costs), file a Performance Bond (this amount depends on the amount of security ...) and eventually will require Environmental Risk Insurance when you create the rules regard.

However, the larger amount is given by the cost of issuing the environmental permit or license ... Why? Because this is a formula that has among its variables two aspects very interesting ... on the one hand, a multiplier that takes into account the level of impact of the project, ie higher impact higher multiplier (which seems logical enough) ... On the other hand, takes into account the amount of project investment: the higher the amount, the developer will pay more to obtain their license.

What is the consequence? That may be the case that an environmental permit or license to reach a cost of over six figures in U.S. DOLLARS ... Can an environmental license worth one hundred thousand U.S. dollars? With the current calculation method, YES.


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