Saturday, November 14, 2009

How Often Should Bath Tiles Be

THE NAVY AND THE SCARECROW (part one, more or less ...)

hope that one day draw better ...

thanks and good vibes to yaz, gaby, diego and dieguito for writing ...

and sorry for the low volume, take long to make decisions ...

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Important Art Deco Designers

Subject MBA-092 - Surface topography with missing pieces MBA-91

This gives us the head wore long time without finding the solution:

is a pass through the section model of a link building is a topographic surface (another Revit model) with which it shares coordinates, ie the terrain model and location. It is a common occurrence. The "phenomenon" is: the hatched areas representing the field away and instead let us see the foundations in total transparency.

We have become aware that there is a relationship between the platforms that make cuts and recesses in the surface topography and the areas to disappear, since these areas are projected missing just below these platforms. The problem obviously is a matter of visibility in these areas in the view settings section where they have disappeared.

We soon realized that visibility was related to the phases of the project. The platforms created in a later stage of the hearing would not be visible in it because it replaces the original topography Revit "existing" for a new one in which he recorded the recesses and adjacent topographic surfaces appear as one and continuous, but in Actually there are several topographic surfaces next to each other. So ... had to be platforms. Of course, all the missing areas were under a new platform, created at a later stage to the time fixed in the view. It was therefore a matter of moving the platform to the construction phase before (Phase 2 to Phase 1, for example) that corresponds to our view. Very clear ... but not working.

The explanation is obvious (not very funny to say it now): you also have to move to the previous phase the new topography which was established under the platform ... and that is precisely the missing element.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prom Dresses Perferably White & Gold

this is the first post:

(from Black Feather 2007)

Hi, thanks for answering my call has just begun! this is just a demo blog, I expect many changes ...

Here I go full of things that go by, + and training as shameless self-promotion (although I would not be wrong.) I hope you enjoy it, appreciate your comments ...

What? That did not like a super spectacular inauguration speech? It is worthy of a ceremony? Sorry, I prefer that my drawings .... speak x

By the way, do not miss the next post! Within a week, will occur a great event! ah, never fear, there'll always be so depressing ....

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported.