Monday, July 12, 2010

Comparison Of Fruit To Cup Size

error MBA-098 Subject: Problems with two screens - Options Bar with 3 lines MBA-097

Notebook PCs offer an advantage for very intersante Revit: the ability to use a second monitor or as a secondary display on the desktop, ie an extended desktop on two screens. Revit can put in one, the largest and highest resolution, for example, and leave the PC LCD screen, smaller, to have the hearing open and another application. But there is one problem that can arise that makes it completely unusable this feature: the options bar s can be expanded to three or more lines when Revit activate a command (eg, Mover) and push the drawing down even moving things in the model on their own as if we ourselves had dragged the mouse.

Since we started using Revit that we have been encountering it can not find the solution and thinking, mistakenly, that it was some insurmountable limitations of Revit, because with AutoCAD or other applications, nothing like occurred. The only solution was not to Revit in the secondary display.

But recently we stumbled upon the secret: it is the alignment between the two screens, primary and secondary schools, window Display Properties window. It seems crucial that the bottom edges of both screens are aligned in the Windows graphics. If the school is located higher than the primary (regardless of physical reality) are shown in Revit the bars options with multiple lines. That is, the solution is to do what Windows suggests, ie NO "Aarrastrar monitor icons to match the actual placement of your monitors."


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