Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pattern Draft Of Salwar

MBA-109 Subject: This blog - an aesthetic problem

How many readers of this blog have already asked: "And when these callous correct the image of the title that appears to run right? The answer is ... do not know how ... and we also get tough.

If any reader of good will with experience and skill in blogs, web pages and HTML code would look into the matter and help us correct this cosmetic problem we would be grateful.

For the kind concerned, we believe that the issue is to identify where in the template code defines the control center and width of the blog title:
  • Blogger template in which behind this blog: Great SA (modified)
In advance, thank you very much.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Good Workouts For 20 Year Old

the ocean and the Scarecrow, Chapter 7 of shots

here we go!

Licencia de Creative Commons
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Secondary School Life From 1970~1980

nothing original, just something different to what I always do ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10th Death Anniversary Invitations

MBA-108 Subject: Autodesk Wiki and collaborative knowledge

for Wiki Autodesk Revit Architecture, Structure and MEP in the new version 2012, is now online.

Undoubtedly the most powerful beneficial effect of the Internet is not just the ability to find information on a "comprehensive encyclopedia" becoming more organized, but also the tantalizing opportunity to be generous and share what you know. Taking advantage of that instinct of Internet users, Autodesk has put online a site to centralize promises Wiki suffix as effective both "official knowledge" to use the program as "common knowledge" that can provide real users. Two columns summarize this interaction: Browse Help (with the contents of official aid and is the "User Manual") and Add Knowledge (with articles, tips and tricks, examples, etc.desarrollados from experience and contributions from users).

A blue button labeled How to add your Knowledge leads to a page with the rules and how to make our own contributions. English is the lingua franca mandatory.

This new site, which extends not only to Revit but other Autodesk applications, it is certainly good news and an interesting step in building a culture less competitive, more friendly and cooperative. Wiki Autodesk visit this link:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Craigslist Camping Gear

MBA-107 Subject: Revit and Mac: Parallels Dystopia

Dystopia "? Said of a perverse and distorted utopia, as far as the moles or ideal. That is the concept that comes to my mind when I think of the experience of running Revit on Parallels. The idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping the Mac environment, but with a hidden Windows that supports BIM software interface, and work smoothly with the touchpad while you check your mail and update your iPod ... at least I never got it. Now, we are really talking about projects, share work with files of 200MB, a high resource consumption and image processor, not corporate demonstrations Febles. In this scenario, the list of difficulties while not extensive, is gravitating and, in disgust, I will share here for those who still believe in utopia:

1, Windows starts slow, that is, as always. The speed of the OS does not naturally open Windows and then load Revit ... and more open up your file. That is, if you closed program and Parallels and you realize you forgot an issue and you need the file again ... better come back tomorrow because the entire operation can take 20 minutes.

2 º Windows consumes an enormous amount of resources and also the rest of OS X, so that the computer must divide its capacity. If you had a Mac Book Pro that everything flowed, now you have two jars: a slow PC and a Mac Slow.

3 º Considering the above, often alternated Parallels work with a direct boot into Windows, so as to devote all resources to work in a certain file size. If then the system becomes Parallels (as I pointed out in the previous post the topic) fails with the license number. This issue ultimately is very cumbersome, since it reached a certain point you have to order new telephone authorization codes frequently, waking up the whole fear of Autodesk.

Therefore the only option is to boot from Windows and waiting for the end of the day to enjoy the Mac (... and read emails on the phone, and listening to MP3 player ...). But neither is optimal: the Mac is clearly superior performance running its own operating system. The drivers do not seem to work well on Windows: frequently there are problems with network connections, the touchpad in PC environment is a sad imitation of the original version and so is the display and graphics quality.

Why talk if you made a mistake (like me) to make a petty partition for Windows. I left my 30GB and worth every day, being that I have just installed Revit and AutoCAD on the PC environment. On the other hand, gets me thinking to reinstall and configure everything (for something one had bought a Mac right? To never do a reinstall of Windows!) And giving in to Windows space on my hard drive with Mac OSX (where are my pictures, my music, my other files, my emails, my Utopia operant ...).

What is the solution? They advertise in the picture accompanying this post: if you took Autocad for Mac, now need a native version for Mac OSX Revit. (Incidentally, how well does the version of Autocad with the touchpad and all Mac environment ..) There are no announcements about it yet, but I have not lost faith in the exponential growth of the company and instinct Jobs Autodesk commercial. Better or for worse, architects fascinate us well-designed gadgets.

There are, of course, another very effective solution: having a PC under the desk ... What frustration!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Preparation H With Bio Dynesold In Tn

MBA-106 Subject: Revit-MBA Case

This is an experiment in collaboration and collective enrichment. We have created

LinkedIn an open group discussion, we think, will interact in a more dynamic and free allowing a blog to ask for and give help, comment and critique, finally, enhance the already overabundant information floating in cyberspace ... and sometimes is never enough. We invite all loyal readers of this blog to fit in and feel absolutely free to put in there any question concerning the professional use REVIT in all its flavors, and to meet and discuss their own experiences.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heart Gold Mac Rom Cheats

It is not Judo but ...

Poulin Stevo is called, is 8 years old and is a residential village of Schuylerville U.S. located along the Hudson River.

A March 1, 2011, this young fighter boasts an enviable record of 256 victories and 26 defeats and when someone asked him that if those numbers seem incredible he answers with a amazing security "if , they are. "

is the discipline of fighting, so popular in U.S. high school. Indeed, it is not Judo but you can see some of our sport techniques (koshi-guruma , ippon-seoi-Nague ...).

Poulin do not know if Steve will be champion at higher levels, even if when you reach the age of them continue practicing their favorite sport, on the other hand, is what it is.

the moment we leave here this video, we do not know if we find it funny or give us a little scary, what is clear is that is breaking another record again, the visits on Youtube.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nasal Infection Infants

LinkedIn MBA-105: Revit 2012 is coming

Revit 2012 is about to do appeared on the market. Several post on blogs of enthusiasts discuss their new features. We highlight the blog post David Light that gives us a comprehensive look .

There is in this new version, among many things, three who would like to comment, highlighting ... and we would eagerly try:

  • loyalty Improved export to DWG.
  • The power to create shop drawings from assembly areas and entered into the model.
What first comes to correct (we will see to what extent) a serious problem of compatibility with other applications (AutoCAD, etc.) and quality of results Revit finally, when it comes to files and documents issued to third parties, and reflect the quality of work we do within Revit. We have already discussed this in previous cases vastly (MBA-096 , MBA-091 , MBA-047, etc.). This seems to be a real concern of Autodesk and seems to have paid much attention to this aspect.

on the ability to create shop drawings from internal components of the model ... well, this is revolutionary. How many times have we faced the need to provide a 3D view of a component of building so what we get in the family editor, and then the model can no longer isolated. Revit 2012 now provides the tools necessary to create such a view, details, to other sections and specific entries without interference and to propagate and confuse the rest of the model. With this, Revit 2012 jumps superlative. See the following video (in English) to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is coming.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Infinite Hp Cheat On Saga Frontier

celebrate Father's Day

were A year in which for us is the most important event of the season: the celebration of Father's Day.

Last Sunday we met at the Sports Centre "Juan de la Cierva" from Getafe to enjoy an activity whose main goal is that you share with your children every day what they learn in classes Judo. You were about 280, between adults and children, participants Lorkan Judo Club that you did together and the great tatami small we had prepared for the occasion.

We are pleased to see how our turn, the school Lorkan Judo Club, was more participation.

About 1,000 participants from 14 different clubs, divided into four shifts, enjoyed, from 09:30 am, the Judo.

We are satisfied with what you have spent half of it of what we enjoy seeing you playing with your children amuse the game of Judo.

! Thank you for your participation

To view and will download the photos click here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Newfoundland Dog, Cross, St Bernard

Judo: Our Father's Day

As you know we have an appointment on Sunday March 20 12:00 to enjoy another year of activity for Father's Day.

Hope to see you there with your children, to teach you some of their techniques and make sure you spend time fun.

The Sports Center "Juan de la Cierva" is on the Avenue of the Cities s / n º de Getafe.

Map driving directions

Monday, March 14, 2011

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benjamines competitions finished their season with another strong performance

This time they were the local Judo Championships Getafe scenario in which our small judokas have shown its good performance on the mat.

At 11:00 am on Sunday, March 13, Adrian, Antonio, Eddie, Paul and Robert passed the usual process of weighing before competition and after heating, led by Master Jose Miguel Urrea, marked the start of that, on paper, would be the last tournament of the season for them.

This time the turnout was the 187 registered for the youngest category which together with the importance of the participating clubs (Ronin, Juan de la Cierva-shin, Joan Miró, Santa Margarita, Aristos, Los Angeles ...) presaged a competition as fierce.

Paul again get a 7 th position in the -34 kg category Our little champion in this competition was a very positive and he was seen at all times highly concentrated. Even after suffering a shoulder injury while trying to escape from detention refused to leave the mat. Finally, shoulder pain prevented him from continuing.

progression Paul in his first season in an official category, as is the youngest category, has been from our point of view, spectacular. He began competing back in November in the previous Phase Emilio Peralta Memorial Trophy and after another three competitions (End of Emilio Peralta, JJMM Móstoles, Leganés JJMM) finished the season at Getafe without missing a single one of the competitions and gaining experience that you will certainly come in handy for the forthcoming season.

Slightly missing from Antonio to climb the podium in these local Judo Championships Getafe. Finally, after fighting a very tough opponent in his struggle for the bronze medal, got a great 5 th place in the category - 34 kg

Antonio is one of our first year Benjamins and having previously played only two tournaments in this category (JJMM Móstoles and JJMM Leganés) showed a judo on the mat out of the ordinary.

repeated next year in this category with the experience gained in these three competitions we will make it easier to fight for the medals.

Used to always get on the podium and after its 5 th in the Leganes JJMM Roberto facing this competition very hard. In this case we are talking about one of our Benjamins "veterans" that next season will jump to more juvenile.

Roberto exceeded the playoffs for the first phase is highly solvent and doing very good Judo. Was only surpassed in the entire competition by Reuben partner Lorkan Judo Club and finally winning the championship. In the contest for the bronze medal back to repeat the battle of the Young Musicians of Leganes and Roberto faced back to David, also co Lorkan Judo Club. This time the balance was tipped on the side of our champion, getting bronze medal in the category - 47 kg

We note that in this category of the four medals, three are students Lorkan Judo Club.

Adrian, in the -30 kg category, had to overcome a number of very tough opponents to get a new gold medal.

Judo With a lot of strength Adrian managed to win in a closely contested semi-finals, one of the representatives of the Escuela Municipal de San Martín de la Vega. Finally got the gold after beating another judo Judo Club Lorkan belonging CEIP "Dulce Chacón."

Adrian repeated next year in this category with a high barrier, the two golds and one silver achieved this season.

Edi achieved in these Judo Championships Getafe Local regain the title he won last year in the same pavilion. A new gold medal in the -26 kg category for this great judoka ending unbeaten in his career by two years of youngest category in individual competitions. Edi has added gold after gold in every one of their competitions demonstrating an enviable technique for her age, which together with its safety have made invincible on the mat.

The next season, like Roberto , face a new challenge, his move to the juvenile category.


To view and will download the photos, click here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hidden Object Games With Puzzles

Merrie Melodies black pen

scanner I have finally!

How To Strap A Mattress On A Toyota Siena

Times of the Young Musicians of Getafe

already have schedules Getafe Local Championship to be held at the Sports Centre "Cerro Buenavista (water Arcas Avenue s / n. Metrosur" Conservatory ") next Sunday, March 13.

  • Category Alevín (male and female) weighing 9:00 to 9:30 pm.
  • Category Benjamin (male and female) weighing from 11:00 to 11:30.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Name Of Webcam Software In Resource Cd

JJMM Results Schedule of Championship

On the morning of Sunday, February 27, witnessed a new exhibit Judo good by the approximately 30 children, belonging to different schools Lorkan Judo Club, who participated in the Municipal Sports Games Leganés.

As regards Judo School CEIP "Salvador Dali" were represented, as noted in the previous post, by Adrian, Antonio, Edi, Joel, Paul and Robert . As before, all made a great effort, and not only for the early start that had to give, but also because gave their all in each of the fighting they did.

and every effort has its reward, hence the great results obtained by these six judoka.

Antonio Martínez Guirao and Pablo Gabriel Rivas , reached 7 th position and showed that competition for competition are gaining more experience and are facing each of their battles with more positive attitude. T iven that this is their first competitions in the youngest category, we can say that once again did a brilliant role in this competition.

Joel Galiano Sánchez and Roberto Menéndez García brushed bronze medal by getting a fantastic 5th place . Joel has greatly improved over its previous competition in Villaviciosa de Odon was about to get on the podium and Roberto reached the final two minutes of his fight for the bronze medal with the score gave the medal matched arbitration decision. As in the case of Antonio and Paul, his attitude has improved greatly in all aspects and we are sure you will soon return to the podium.

Finally, Adrian Cobo Merino and Eduardo López Ontiveros managed, each in its category, -30 kg and -26 kg, respectively, lanes gold medals. Of them, rather than say anything, we prefer you to see the videos of their final.

In short, another day we are delighted to see that all our young judoka are encouraged to attend the competitions.

But that's not all, on the afternoon of Sunday there was more representation of Lorkan Judo Club in the Municipal Sports Games Móstoles. If you want to inform you of all the results soon you can find all the information in the blogs Schools Judo "La Cañada" and Dulce Chacón. "

From here we can only, once again, congratulate you all for your work, effort and perseverance.


To view and download photos of the competition, click here .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tiffany Towers Red Swimsuit Dawn

Leganés Leganés

On Sunday February 27, Roberto, Pablo, Edi, Joel and Antonio participate in the Local Championship Leganés Benjamin Male category.

This competition will be held in Hall Europe Leganés (Avda Europa s / n.). Weighing will from 9:00 to 9:30 am and then start racing.

Remember that it is compulsory to wear white judogi federal license in force.

vosostros For if any of you want to go by public transport, the nearest station is Metrosur "Julian Besteiro"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Message For New Baby Twins

Local Origins of Judo Spanish

Diving for the network we can find the origins of what today is our Judo ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cervical Position Before Menstrual Cycle

The best antivirus for 2011

Hello friends, here are some information taken from PC-Advisor magazine, January 2011 edition, this is the list of the best antivirus that could excel according to their demanding performance tests have been subjected to these packages antivirus by that magazine:

First post:
Norton has a nice design, does an excellent job of blocking and clean active malware completely.

Blocks 24, 25 attacks, does not detect false positive.

Price: U.S. $ 79.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

Second Place:
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 provides solid defense against malware and has a friendly interface.

Blocks 23, 25 attacks, does not detect false positives.

Price: U.S. $ 79.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

The multiple-mode interface BitDefender is complicated, but this software is fully equipped to effectively block the malware.

Stops 22 of 25 attacks in the traditional way, blocking 24 of 25 attacks in advanced mode.

Price: U.S. $ 63.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

Fourth Place:
PC Tools Internet Security makes excellent blocking malware, this is hampered by the slow scanning speed of malware.

Blocks 24, 25 attacks, does not detect false positives.

Price: U.S. $ 79.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

In performance tests also considered the following antivirus, but for some reason inadequate to detect malwares were out of the race, but is listed below not in order of merit, just for your information:

Avira Antivir is very good at blocking known malware, but it leaves traces of malware most of the other antivirus packages, has an impressive user-friendly interface, but this comes at the expense of system resources of computer equipment.

Stops 21 of 25 attacks, 10% are false positives.

Price: U.S. $ 79.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

ESET Smart Security 4.2
Eset Smart Security 4.2 is fast, unfortunately, is deficient in the detection and removal of malware.

Blocks 21, 25 attacks, but only removes 60%.

Price: U.S. $ 79.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

F-Secure has been reasonably successful in blocking threats and is easy to use, but is slow in detection and removal.

Blocks 22, 25 attacks, does not detect false positives.

Price: U.S. $ 63.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

G DATA has posted high marks for its ability to detect known malware, but only for some of the new threats.

Blocks 21, 25 attacks.

Price: U.S. $ 63.00 about license includes one year for 3 PC's.

Panda Security 2011 suite is usually effective, although its new malware blocking is not first class.

Blocks 21, 25 attacks, when it detects false positives

Price: U.S. $ 80.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

Trend Micro Internet Security Titanium is a good defender, but this package is light on extra features.

Blocks 22, 25 attacks, does not detect false positives.

Price: U.S. $ 63.00 about, including one-year license for 3 PC's.

I hope that this list can help them have some idea that purchasing this antivirus 2011.

Slave Bracelet Meaning On Each Arm

MBA-104 Subject: Pulling structural elements

structural elements in Revit Architecture (beams and columns) are pinch points where appropriate use greatly facilitates the editing of the model of a complex structure. Especially in steel structures. These are the grips of connection and extension or trimming.

respect is very different function of these two kinds of grip. The connection (symbolized by a point) should ALWAYS be in contact with the shaft of another element which supports or structural axis (grid) of the building. Any extension of this element, beyond its support (in the case of an extension) or closer to it (in the case of a cut) should be controlled by the grip extension (symbolized by a double arrow). A column for example, is anchored to a structural axis (grid), a beam or a promenade, will be anchored to the column. Thus, when the model should move the structural axis, Revit move the spine and also adjust the length of the beams and slabs anchored to it, without altering the relative extensions or cuts.

For precise adjustment of the grip extension may be appealed to the Properties box and enter positive amounts (extension) or negative (cut) as required.