Friday, April 8, 2011

Craigslist Camping Gear

MBA-107 Subject: Revit and Mac: Parallels Dystopia

Dystopia "? Said of a perverse and distorted utopia, as far as the moles or ideal. That is the concept that comes to my mind when I think of the experience of running Revit on Parallels. The idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping the Mac environment, but with a hidden Windows that supports BIM software interface, and work smoothly with the touchpad while you check your mail and update your iPod ... at least I never got it. Now, we are really talking about projects, share work with files of 200MB, a high resource consumption and image processor, not corporate demonstrations Febles. In this scenario, the list of difficulties while not extensive, is gravitating and, in disgust, I will share here for those who still believe in utopia:

1, Windows starts slow, that is, as always. The speed of the OS does not naturally open Windows and then load Revit ... and more open up your file. That is, if you closed program and Parallels and you realize you forgot an issue and you need the file again ... better come back tomorrow because the entire operation can take 20 minutes.

2 º Windows consumes an enormous amount of resources and also the rest of OS X, so that the computer must divide its capacity. If you had a Mac Book Pro that everything flowed, now you have two jars: a slow PC and a Mac Slow.

3 º Considering the above, often alternated Parallels work with a direct boot into Windows, so as to devote all resources to work in a certain file size. If then the system becomes Parallels (as I pointed out in the previous post the topic) fails with the license number. This issue ultimately is very cumbersome, since it reached a certain point you have to order new telephone authorization codes frequently, waking up the whole fear of Autodesk.

Therefore the only option is to boot from Windows and waiting for the end of the day to enjoy the Mac (... and read emails on the phone, and listening to MP3 player ...). But neither is optimal: the Mac is clearly superior performance running its own operating system. The drivers do not seem to work well on Windows: frequently there are problems with network connections, the touchpad in PC environment is a sad imitation of the original version and so is the display and graphics quality.

Why talk if you made a mistake (like me) to make a petty partition for Windows. I left my 30GB and worth every day, being that I have just installed Revit and AutoCAD on the PC environment. On the other hand, gets me thinking to reinstall and configure everything (for something one had bought a Mac right? To never do a reinstall of Windows!) And giving in to Windows space on my hard drive with Mac OSX (where are my pictures, my music, my other files, my emails, my Utopia operant ...).

What is the solution? They advertise in the picture accompanying this post: if you took Autocad for Mac, now need a native version for Mac OSX Revit. (Incidentally, how well does the version of Autocad with the touchpad and all Mac environment ..) There are no announcements about it yet, but I have not lost faith in the exponential growth of the company and instinct Jobs Autodesk commercial. Better or for worse, architects fascinate us well-designed gadgets.

There are, of course, another very effective solution: having a PC under the desk ... What frustration!


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