FOOTPRINT: "Signal to stop the foot of man or animal on earth through which "... according to the Royal Academy English.
The current definition but obviously not fully adapted to what can be understood by MARK in environmental jargon. If we talk about today footprint, we no longer imagine a sign or mark on the land itself, left by someone who just happened ... but for some comes immediately to mind the same meaning but in an environmental sense ... the meaning of ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT call.
If we go by an actual encyclopedia, Wikipedia, it tells us that the ecological footprint is a measure referred to the "ecologically productive land area (crops, pasture, forest and aquatic ecosystems) needed to produce the resources used and to assimilate the waste produced by a given population with a specific lifestyle indefinitely. "
And most interesting is that we can calculate the ecological footprint of each. This will consider parameters such as type of dwelling, type of food consumed, transport used, the place where one lives and many others ... but roughly one can know for example how many planets are needed to hold certain rhythm of life of each individual.
If we were to divide the land productive land in equal parts, each of the more than six billion people on the planet, would apply 1.8 hectares to meet all your needs for a year. To date, the average consumption per inhabitant is 2.23 ha, which means it consumes much more than what the planet can generate and support.
worth questioning a bit .. What is my impact on the planet to bring the lifestyle you lead? How much land area is required to generate what I use daily and also to destroy my waste? How many trees I am owing to land use daily my SUV? And why use grocery bags? How Carbon stopped producing food if the diet is based only on organic products?
If we are to leave FOOTPRINT (ecological ...) in our passage through this world, let a conscience ... and nothing like the Ecological Footprint Calculator to find out what the impact of each ... Mine? Quite high .. would need 4.8 planets to support the level of consumption and waste of a person like me, if all the inhabitants of the planet had the same lifestyle ... mmm ... it goes badly.
course .. worth investigating how we can reduce this impact ... and that we can spend in the next posts ... For now I invite you to calculate your footprint ... your way through this world ... entering the following links:
Familia.cl / nature / huella_ecologica
The current definition but obviously not fully adapted to what can be understood by MARK in environmental jargon. If we talk about today footprint, we no longer imagine a sign or mark on the land itself, left by someone who just happened ... but for some comes immediately to mind the same meaning but in an environmental sense ... the meaning of ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT call.
If we go by an actual encyclopedia, Wikipedia, it tells us that the ecological footprint is a measure referred to the "ecologically productive land area (crops, pasture, forest and aquatic ecosystems) needed to produce the resources used and to assimilate the waste produced by a given population with a specific lifestyle indefinitely. "
And most interesting is that we can calculate the ecological footprint of each. This will consider parameters such as type of dwelling, type of food consumed, transport used, the place where one lives and many others ... but roughly one can know for example how many planets are needed to hold certain rhythm of life of each individual.
If we were to divide the land productive land in equal parts, each of the more than six billion people on the planet, would apply 1.8 hectares to meet all your needs for a year. To date, the average consumption per inhabitant is 2.23 ha, which means it consumes much more than what the planet can generate and support.
worth questioning a bit .. What is my impact on the planet to bring the lifestyle you lead? How much land area is required to generate what I use daily and also to destroy my waste? How many trees I am owing to land use daily my SUV? And why use grocery bags? How Carbon stopped producing food if the diet is based only on organic products?
If we are to leave FOOTPRINT (ecological ...) in our passage through this world, let a conscience ... and nothing like the Ecological Footprint Calculator to find out what the impact of each ... Mine? Quite high .. would need 4.8 planets to support the level of consumption and waste of a person like me, if all the inhabitants of the planet had the same lifestyle ... mmm ... it goes badly.
course .. worth investigating how we can reduce this impact ... and that we can spend in the next posts ... For now I invite you to calculate your footprint ... your way through this world ... entering the following links:
Familia.cl / nature / huella_ecologica
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