This second approach entails more than applying the principles of corporate social responsibility ... thereby integrating the community in the tourism project in itself. The actions performed by the company for the welfare of the population, either by supporting educational and environmental programs, result in benefits after the project. More skilled people may join in due course. A cleaner environment, the project also benefits directly. What is known as "buy national" applies but "local" level, promoting the product procurement policies for the operation of the project, directly from the locals.
Promoting micro-credit systems for the home, is another way to maximize economic benefits to the community. The micro-credit, which had a great boom in India, has already begun in communities like Miches, in the Dominican Republic.
In summary, this second criterion - Maximize social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts .- means:
• B.1. The company actively supports initiatives for community development and social infrastructure, which inter alia includes education, health and sanitation.
• B.2. It provides employment for local residents, including in management positions. Training is provided when necessary.
• B.3. Where possible, the company buys local goods and services and fair trade.
• B.4. The company provides facilities for local entrepreneurs to develop and sell sustainable products, based on nature, history and culture from the area (which includes food and drink, crafts, performing arts, agricultural products, etc. )
• B.5. It has developed a code of conduct for activities taking place in indigenous and local communities, taking into account the consent and cooperation of the community.
• B.6. The company has implemented policies against commercial exploitation, especially of children and adolescents, including sexual exploitation.
• B.7. The company is equitable in hiring women and local minorities, including management positions, while restricting child labor. B.8. Respecting the national or international legal protection of employees, and they receive a wage that allows them to meet the cost of living.
• B.9. The company's activities do not jeopardize the provision of basic services (such as water, energy, sanitation) to neighboring communities.
Again ... the synergy that is created around a tourist project that meets the criteria of sustainability is continuous and its effects are only positive. The economic and social benefits for both the project and the community, may be palpable in the immediate.
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