Friday, December 26, 2008

Extreamly Painful Period


Following exposure of the premises they make to sustainable tourism, specifically the first sustainable tourism criteria is Demonstrate effective sustainable management . Specifically carry out a series of actions for the management of the tourism project that takes into account not only legal, construction, environmental friendliness and so on, but also communication-oriented tourists in relation to the services provided by yes, existing facilities nearby.

is essential for the establishment of a management system, both aspect as environmental quality, safety and hygiene, sanitation, etc. The operation of this system should be fluid, to which is of vital importance to the training of staff.

To summarize, demonstrated effective sustainable management means:

· A.1. The company has established a management system of sustainability in the long term that suits its reality and scale, and considers environmental, cultural, quality health and safety.

· A.2 The entity complies with all relevant laws and regulations , international or local (including labor issues, environmental, health, and safety).

· A.3. All staff receive regular training related to its role in the management of environmental, sociocultural, health and safety.

· A.4. That measured customer satisfaction and corrective action is taken when appropriate.

· A.5. The promotional materials are accurate and complete and does not promise more than what the company can provide.

· A.6. the design and construction of buildings and infrastructure : (i) meet local zoning requirements and protected areas or equity, (ii) respect the natural and cultural heritage found in around in site selection, design, impact assessment and land rights and acquisition, (iii) that use locally appropriate principles of sustainable construction; and (iv) provide access to people in need special.

· A.7. and finally that customers are provided with information and interpretation on the natural surroundings, local culture and heritage, as well as explain the appropriate behavior when visiting natural areas, living cultures and cultural heritage sites.

As evidence ... it's not complicated. It requires will and common sense to its implementation. The responsible tourism promoter believes all these criteria when developing and operating the project. This results in invaluable benefits for the project and the community ... and the tourist and therefore seen again. There is more than value added everywhere.


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