Monday, October 18, 2010

What Are Non Fiber Food List

MBA-101 Subject: Group work and how to share a project

Group work in Revit is strongly facilitated by the possibility of sharing the spotlight. In theory, it is stored in a central file changes made by multiple users in each of their individual computers. In each PC is a replica of the Central Archives, and Revit is responsible for coordinating efficient developments and modifications of the various elements of a model to incorporate the Central Archives and to prevent one's work undone or interfere with other's work.

The Central Archive is simply a conventional Revit project which has enabled the sharing of the project, and this file, and enabled, is stored on a server accessible by all employees. A local file is a copy of the Central Archive, which each user stored on your local hard disk, on which work and which is coordinated with the central. If you lose a local file, nothing happens to the Central. If the Central File is corrupted, you can recover (almost all) to create a new one from a local file, and continue working.

The procedure is essential and very known, however, against this, one always seems to be a "new user" because it is a single action in the history of a project and not all projects have the size or complexity sufficient to justify the work group . Let's review the steps with Revit 2011:

1. There is a great time in the history of a project I can say that it's time to share the file. The procedure, if required, it may be practically the first step in a project. It is logical, however, that before creating a file centarl, it is included in the following basic elements: axes, levels with their real names, terrain and topography (if is to be part of the model), so as to establish a nomenclature and a code of communication among different users.

2. Collaborate menu the ribbon, select the icon Subprojects. Following the exhibit Sharing Revit project, and propose to create two basic sub "levels and grids shared" and "Subproject 1 ." Select OK.

3. Revit will present a second window with a table and display these two sub- its owner is the current user. At this point we can create other sub-projects if deemed necessary. (Creating sub-projects is a practice that has many supporters but we do not employ). Close the window with OK.

4. Next Revit enables workgroup mode and the file is ready to be placed on a network server to File Central. The way to do is go to the main menu and select Save As > Project. In the Save As window should be selected folder (server) where he would spend the Central file. Can be used the same name as before sharing the file. Revit created in the destination folder other two: one with the sufijo_backup or other known Revit_temp. Finished

steps we can verify the new state of the Central Archives of the file on the screen to see that the diskette icon on the toolbar will access rĂ¡piso grayed out and, instead, is activated, the sync icon next to it. (Note for future action: Every time a user views this, ie diskette icon dimmed and Active Sync icon is because you are working in the Central Archive. That we should not allow).

To create a local file, the way is the following:

  • Central File open momentarily and, Save As , create a copy in a location any of our local hard drive. From then on, only be worked in the local file and know that is a local file for both icons (Save and Sync) are active.


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