Friday, December 26, 2008

Extreamly Painful Period


Following exposure of the premises they make to sustainable tourism, specifically the first sustainable tourism criteria is Demonstrate effective sustainable management . Specifically carry out a series of actions for the management of the tourism project that takes into account not only legal, construction, environmental friendliness and so on, but also communication-oriented tourists in relation to the services provided by yes, existing facilities nearby.

is essential for the establishment of a management system, both aspect as environmental quality, safety and hygiene, sanitation, etc. The operation of this system should be fluid, to which is of vital importance to the training of staff.

To summarize, demonstrated effective sustainable management means:

· A.1. The company has established a management system of sustainability in the long term that suits its reality and scale, and considers environmental, cultural, quality health and safety.

· A.2 The entity complies with all relevant laws and regulations , international or local (including labor issues, environmental, health, and safety).

· A.3. All staff receive regular training related to its role in the management of environmental, sociocultural, health and safety.

· A.4. That measured customer satisfaction and corrective action is taken when appropriate.

· A.5. The promotional materials are accurate and complete and does not promise more than what the company can provide.

· A.6. the design and construction of buildings and infrastructure : (i) meet local zoning requirements and protected areas or equity, (ii) respect the natural and cultural heritage found in around in site selection, design, impact assessment and land rights and acquisition, (iii) that use locally appropriate principles of sustainable construction; and (iv) provide access to people in need special.

· A.7. and finally that customers are provided with information and interpretation on the natural surroundings, local culture and heritage, as well as explain the appropriate behavior when visiting natural areas, living cultures and cultural heritage sites.

As evidence ... it's not complicated. It requires will and common sense to its implementation. The responsible tourism promoter believes all these criteria when developing and operating the project. This results in invaluable benefits for the project and the community ... and the tourist and therefore seen again. There is more than value added everywhere.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Salt Good For Hairloss

Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. NOW If you are serious

How to Recognize a Tourism Product Sustainable ...

comes to an end the proliferation stage of standards on environmental and related practices in relation to tourism. This is because from now we will have the standardization of criteria for determining whether an offer or tourism project, or a hotel or tourist attraction is actually sustainable. The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria were agreed by the Partnership for Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC Alliance, for its acronym in English) is a coalition of 32 organizations working together to promote better understanding of the practices sustainable tourism and adoption of universal principles. This was initiated by Rainforest Alliance, the United Nations Programme for Environment (UNEP), United Nations Foundation and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Criteria were presented at the World Conservation Congress in October 2008 and constitute the minimum standards at any tourism business should aspire to protect and conserve natural and cultural resources of the world while ensuring that tourism meets its potential as a tool to alleviate poverty.

To summarize, group them into four groups, which we will develop little by little .. to avoid overwhelming ...

A sustainable tourism business should ...

A. Able to demonstrate effective sustainable management.

B. Maximize the social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts.

C. Maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize negative impacts.

D. Maximize benefits and minimize environmental impacts.

... learn more of each, in the next posts ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dark Haired America Actress

FOOTPRINT: "Signal to stop the foot of man or animal on earth through which "... according to the Royal Academy English.
The current definition but obviously not fully adapted to what can be understood by MARK in environmental jargon. If we talk about today footprint, we no longer imagine a sign or mark on the land itself, left by someone who just happened ... but for some comes immediately to mind the same meaning but in an environmental sense ... the meaning of ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT call.
If we go by an actual encyclopedia, Wikipedia, it tells us that the ecological footprint is a measure referred to the "ecologically productive land area (crops, pasture, forest and aquatic ecosystems) needed to produce the resources used and to assimilate the waste produced by a given population with a specific lifestyle indefinitely. "
And most interesting is that we can calculate the ecological footprint of each. This will consider parameters such as type of dwelling, type of food consumed, transport used, the place where one lives and many others ... but roughly one can know for example how many planets are needed to hold certain rhythm of life of each individual.
If we were to divide the land productive land in equal parts, each of the more than six billion people on the planet, would apply 1.8 hectares to meet all your needs for a year. To date, the average consumption per inhabitant is 2.23 ha, which means it consumes much more than what the planet can generate and support.
worth questioning a bit .. What is my impact on the planet to bring the lifestyle you lead? How much land area is required to generate what I use daily and also to destroy my waste? How many trees I am owing to land use daily my SUV? And why use grocery bags? How Carbon stopped producing food if the diet is based only on organic products?
If we are to leave FOOTPRINT (ecological ...) in our passage through this world, let a conscience ... and nothing like the Ecological Footprint Calculator to find out what the impact of each ... Mine? Quite high .. would need 4.8 planets to support the level of consumption and waste of a person like me, if all the inhabitants of the planet had the same lifestyle ... mmm ... it goes badly.
course .. worth investigating how we can reduce this impact ... and that we can spend in the next posts ... For now I invite you to calculate your footprint ... your way through this world ... entering the following links: / nature / huella_ecologica

Sunday, September 14, 2008

All Indians Free Channels Frequency


If other entries I mentioned in the road Samana, now I want to do it with much more emphasis on safety, especially when a reasonable time has passed since its opening time should be used not only to complete the construction of the sections that were not paved, but mainly by ensuring passenger safety.

If we qualify the "security" that users have to travel on the highway to Samana, the word smoother that comes to my mind is "pathetic." While there are security vehicles belonging to the company toll circulate continuously to monitor the road, we highlight the following:

1. Not yet solved the problem of animals crossing the road, glaring problem, especially if traveling at night and rain as seen in the video, and you cross a cow of considerable size, in an area where not enough lighting.

2. The paint used to mark lanes is not enough light on rainy days, which makes the vision of the limits of the road.

3. In specific areas, for example in certain curves in the National Park Haitises, more light is needed, which would add security and comfort to travelers, in many curves and counter.

4. Observed large size stones on the road in some areas of National Park, indicating that there may be some risk of landslides, especially if it rains heavily.

5. Heavy rains of days ago showed that some areas are flooded, and the height of the road was not enough to prevent the lifting of the asphalt. Common sense would indicate that the odd engineering calculation was not accurate enough to prevent that from happening.

And as icing on the cake ... but this time the toilets are installed ... and available to the public ... not missing the manager by mistake takes the key and let the passenger without the ability to use the service, but even with the high price of tolls paid (without a doubt one of the most expensive in the world).

remains to be done, obviously .... but should the government supervisors and inspectors of such infrastructure project ... at least reading this can give you an idea.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can Y9u Get Symptons Of Hiv The Next Day


(Telegram: Presentation. Book. Giselle Pérez. Romina Santroni. Co authors. Protection Economy in Comparative Law. Hard. Work. Joy. Thanks. Introduction. First. Book. Dominicana. Tourist Protection. More thanks. Karina Barreiro. Many Thanks. DMK Staff Posts: Albin S, Maria dA, Dr. Olive, Thanks . Francisco Geraldes. Charlin C, Daniela C., Daniela Paredes "Thanks Thanks Thanks. Jose Q, Jesus A, Enrique DMK. More thanks. No Staff: Rafael A. Julio J.. F. Fer and Angie. Thanks. Client: Gabriel M., Mirtha C. Thanks ...)

... Now translate this break in between your posts is just to acknowledge everyone who helped in so little time we could conclude Chapter of the Dominican Republic first book in the country referred to LEGAL PROTECTION OF TOURIST IN COMPARATIVE LAW , of Ladevi Issues, sponsored by IFTTA Argentina and the Secretariat of Tourism of Argentina also. The book, which my colleague and friend Giselle Perez and I are co-authors, was presented at the First Iberoamerican Congress Tourism Law held on 21 and 22 August this year, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Law the prestigious University of Buenos Aires .

To all the people that revolutionized during those days of preparation ... thanks.

Enrique A DMK, for having encouraged my passion for tourism.

To you Gise, synergy and telepathy ... thanks.

And obviously, to Dora, José María and Mica ... to be, living and believing.

In the closest and most distant


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Annorexic 14 Year Old

When we think perhaps diversify investments. Put basic Castilian ¨ no putting all your eggs in one basket ¨. As I said in my previous entry, Austria followed the premise of diversification to promote itself as a tourist destination. Thus he became a country that is chosen by both the most avid lover of classical music to the delight of your ears for a few days, for the tireless skiers and snowboarders waiting for winter to go down again and again their highest mountains.

What effect did the diversification in Austria? Receive nothing more and nothing less than more than 20 million tourists a year - which means you get more than twice the tourists of the people you have in your territory. Not bad for a country which has no outlet to the sea.
diversify Is it good? Is it possible to diversify tourism in the Dominican Republic? What is required to diversify ? And above all ... what mean diversify tourism in the country?

If we start from its definition outright, diversification is according to the Royal Academy in English ¨ Convert multiple and diverse than it was even and sole,

If the Dominican Republic has always had as tourism product and beach all inclusive hotels and focused on creating hotels. .. diversification would then promote the creation of another type of tourism product, are packages or not, are all included or not, are posting ° sun and sand, "or not , most important thing here is that it has the sole Downtown hotel, the sun and the beach.

all know that the country is already in the path of diversification but how committed is the country and society in pushing the cart toward the north? ... leave the question in the air ... for those who would like to respond ...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Butalbital 150 Mg High


Almost off the plane that brought me back to the Dominican Republic, from Vienna, capital of Austria where I spent a few days to meet certain commitments, my ideas also landed hard on this blog entry, you only talk about tourism.

Austria in many ways a country like the Dominican Republic. Has a similar population of people but in nearly twice the area that the Dominican Republic. The tourism sector is vital to its economy importanciam generating nearly 10% of Gross Domestic Product or GDP.

But unlike the Dominican Republic, Austria has distinct seasons, hot summers and very harsh winters and over all its territory, mainly hilly, has no outlet to the sea ... Amen of these features the country has been more than successful in getting the best of its attractions and to seek opportunities to offer to tourists. What has been the key to success? DIVERSIFICATION. It is clear that Austria wanted from the very beginning to diversify. For example, a tourist wishing to know Austria have the following choices: 1) visit Vienna and have a cultural agenda-laden concerts, operas, museums, cafes, palaces, exhibitions, etc. 2) adventure tourism in the Alps in summer, 3) sightseeing alterative health-medicine and hot springs in Baden-Vienna ... a beautiful village a few kilometers from the city ... 4) visiting the famous wine tourism in Soos heuriger in full area of \u200b\u200bvineyards and typical winter tourism .. Skiing in Tyrol and Vorarlberg, close to Switzerland.

AUSTRIA HAS IT ALL, AND IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IT. That should be just the premise to follow in the Dominican Republic ... How? ... some ideas the next entry.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ginko Biloba Cranberry


And finally, regarding "legal" or the right, could say much more because material related in a way or another to the opening of the Carretera Samaná Santo Domingo, there for awhile. ..
only limit myself to once again give Machado ... "is made by walking ".... and here it is LITERALLY IF "make way for the walk," as several road sections are still being finalized, and therefore should drive more carefully than ever to dodge trucks, heavy machinery, working men and other phenomena ... (Note: Beware Horses animals ... (with and without riders), cows, bulls and pigs crossing the road with a frequency of two or three animals each ten miles)

This situation raises questions about the safety of the "men working" drivers and occupants of vehicles using the road, the responsibility for dealers generate a possible accident by those certain situations. etc.

And so the questions are many ....
1. "It still pay tolls on the sections that are not built? I believe the answer is NO.
2. Does the driver is paying in advance a service that is not given yet?
3. The driver is entitled not to pay the toll if waiting to cross each of the toll stations exceeds a certain amount of minutes (as indeed happens)?
In both questions the answer is yes.
4. What responsibility arises for the concessionaire for accidents caused by poor road construction or lack thereof? This response would certainly be interesting ... but is the subject of another post .... and could go on, and on and on ..

In summary: An excellent way to generate tourism, both externally and internally. Beautiful landscapes. Lots of green .... But many problems to solve in relation to services offered by the dealer and road safety. ... Private investment is therefore the need is greatest. Can provide more and better services.