Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reception In Spanish Wording For Wedding

Basic Course Builder - Part

To begin to develop in Power Builder 9.0 you must first create your workspace or work e-space, for that text in the menu we choose the FILE option, followed by the option NEW ...

We choose
WORKSPACE tab and shade in the icon of the same name, then we click the OK button ...

choose the directory that will contain our application, we give it a name and press the OK button ...

note on the left that has created our WorkSpace ...

Once set up our workspace, we must create our application, so that again will we choose the text menu FILE option, followed by the NEW option in the window that appears you click on the tab and choose the icon TARGET APPLICATION ...

mind give it a name, we recommend a name that is related to the application to develop, and also recommended to be recorded in the path where you saved the workspace .. .

Then, look in the tree we have our Workpace system, the container, the library and the application ...

We need to create our window so you can start to develop, so again we choose the text menu option followed by the option FILE NEW, once mind in the window that appears we choose the tab and the icon PB OBJECT WINDOW and press the OK button ...

an empty window appears where you can start creating our interfaces ...

In the Properties window of the window, we put a title to the window ...

Then press the record icon and give a name to the window ...

On the left side give you double-click the application (app) ...

see opening a window on the right side script, followed OPEN mind we choose the event and wrote the following function:
Open (w_main), this feature which makes is to open the Window called w_main.

then pressed Ctrl + R and run the app and it executes the statement at the opening of this in the Open event.

In this first part we have learned the basics of how to start developing an application in PowerBuilder 9.0, the second part soon ... practice!.


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