Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Introduction to Microsoft. NET

What is . NE T ?

. NET is a whole new technology architecture developed by Microsoft for creating and distribution of software as a service. This means that using development tools provided by this new technology, developers can create applications based on Web services.
. NET is seeking flexibility and enriches the way in which until now were built for Internet applications.
The idea behind this technology is populating the Internet with a large number of applications, based on web services (Web Services), form a global exchange framework.
Thus, a programmer can create Web Services to be used by their own applications as a component.

including Web Service Web Application (Basic)

Web Application Web Service on the Internet including

components. NET

  1. ASP.NET : is a Web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft. It is used by programmers to build dynamic Web sites, Web applications and XML Web services.
  2. Windows Form: is the name given to the graphical application programming interface (API) included as part of Microsoft's. NET Framework, which provides access to native Microsoft Windows interface elements by wrapping the existing Windows API in managed code.
  3. . NET Framework: The . NET Framework is the heart. NET whatever we do in any language. NET must pass through the filter any party members. NET Framework and fully supports existing Internet technologies (HTML, XML, etc.).
  4. CLR: is a series of dynamic link libraries (DLLs), also called assemblies, which act as the Windows API DLLs and runtime libraries for Visual Basic or C + +. Any executable depends one way or another in a series of libraries. For the CLR is that a number of libraries used at runtime to our executable or one based on. NET will work.
Let over CLR.

CLR Features: Provides
  • application development easier and faster because much of the functionality that traditionally was to create the controller, are implemented in the runtime environment. Manages
  • runtime code in all matters relating to its charge, available on memory, unused memory retrieval through a collection of memory, etc.
  • Implements
  • management features at a low level (memory management, for example), which in some languages, it was work of the programmer.
CLR Outline:

CTS (Common Type System):
The CTS, to define or design the way in the code application will be executed, but not directly responsible for its implementation, in other words, the CTS tells the CLR how he wants it run the code.

type within. NET FrameWork:
A type can be defined as a body of code executed within the CLR, understanding that by state code from which we create an instance and handle later in the program as an object. That's why the implementations of classes, interfaces, structures, etc., Whether native or platform created by the programmer types can be considered valid. NET. Then all the guys manipulated within. NET Framework are objects.

CTS Example:

All data types are implemented as classes, when you declare a variable in the code, that variable is also an object of the class related to the type of data containing, disposing of properties and methods.

Here's an example of programming. NET, which is clearly noted as was planned earlier in VB6.0, as now in OOP program using the. FrameWork and VB classes.


the need arises for additional information on the application. To resolve this problem, we chose to include all this information within the application itself. This information is included in the application but not part of the executable code is called metadata.

Metadata is created by the compiler of the language used in each case and recorded in the resulting file (EXE or DLL) in binary, with the CLR in charge of retrieval when you need them.

Support Multi - Language

One of the key points is that CLR is designed to support multiple languages, allowing high levels of integration among them.
  • VB.NET.
  • C #.
  • C + + with Managed Extensions.
  • JScript.NET.
Intermediate Language (IL)
During the compilation process, the source code is made by the compiler for his writing, and become, not directly to binary code but to an intermediate language that is called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL).

Instant Compilation and Execution of IL

demand Compilation
To optimize performance and improve their speed, the JIT compiler is based that it is possible that certain parts of the code that makes up the application will never be executed. For this reason, do not take the IL and compiled, it compiles only the code as be needed.
The CLR loader code, create and stick a label indicating the state of the objects, methods of implementation.
In the first call to a method, it checks the state of compilation by the label of state, as it is not already compiled, it passes control to the JIT compiles the IL code to machine code. Then amending the status label, so that future calls to that method, the status label advises that the method has already been compiled.

Visual Basic.NET:

VB. NET is one of the programming languages \u200b\u200bwhich belong to high-level package. NET.
With VB. NET can be written for both conventional and internet programs.
show applications may display a graphical interface or text interface (Console Application). The
. NET has a Visual Basic compiler that produces IL code in common for all languages \u200b\u200bof the platform.

fundamental improvements in the VB. NET:
improved object-oriented support enables the use of class inheritance constructors, destructors, overloading, interfaces and polymorphism.
structured exception handling, exception handling easier and allows using powerful features like nested exceptions. New
thread management options, to create applications that use capabilities with multiple threads.
Garbage Collector, guarantees no access to memory locations without reference.

Rules and Conventions:
The following submit a range of standard rules and conventions, recommended its continued use:

  • not use blanks.
  • not use punctuation.
  • not use reserved words.
Thank you.


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